viernes, 31 de octubre de 2008


Tenía ganas de postear todos los videos que estuve viendo, Courtney se va al carajo .

you should learn when to go

viernes, 10 de octubre de 2008

King Crimson

Este es uno de los más influyentes grupos de rock progresivo en todo el mundo. Como miembros de la “redinosaurización”, han permanecido intactos en su apreciación ante múltiples cambios en su alineación, forjándose además como ejemplo a seguir por un montón de artistas en el medio, gracias a su magnificencia estética, su música oblicua y sus diferentes fases. Las personas que quieran explorar en un progresivo único, pueden empezar a escucharlos sin un orden determinado. Su sonido es tan exacto, tan perfecto, que sin duda gustará desde cualquier ángulo que se le escuche, aunque habrá de considerar la posibilidad de encontrarse, desde música que desquicia, hasta ritmos dulces y melódicos.

Por la controvertida calidad de su propuesta original, hubo gente que le atribuyó a KING CRIMSON la creación de un sonido: el RIO (Rock en Oposición). “Era el único grupo donde, como batería, podías tocar en un compás elaborado, de 17 16, por ejemplo, y aun así dormir en hoteles decentes”.

Origen del nombre del grupo :

The name King Crimson was actually derived from a particularly potent 'brand' of LSD tab that was doing the rounds in the mid-to-late sixties. It was coloured with cochineal food colouring to distinguish it from 'ordinary' tabs, and was referred to as 'King Crimson' because of its effectiveness and vivid hue. Pete Sinfield was a heavy user when he first joined forces with McDonald, Lake, Giles and Fripp, and already had a bulging portfolio of far-out lyrics and poems based on the visions and hallucinations he had experienced while under the influence of the drug. One of these was, of course, 'In the Court of the Crimson King', and while the eponymous king referred to in the song may well be a reference to Beelzebub, it was the candy-coloured source of Pete's inspiration (rather than the result) that provided the newly-formed band with its name.

As any Crimson historian will know, Pete was a fearlessly adventurous drug enthusiast during the years that he was involved with the band, and he also indulged in regular cocktails of heroin and cocaine. The lyrics for '21st Century Schizoid Man' were written under the influence of this brain-frying combo, and there is an obvious contrast with the luminous, fantastical imagery of his LSD-inspired lyrics for 'Epitaph', 'Moonchild' and 'Court'. It's probably fortunate that the band didn't know in advance that 'Schizoid Man' would become their signature song for all eternity, otherwise they might have called themselves 'Speedball'.

1969 In the Court of the Crimson King

"The album cover was painted by a young computer programmer named Barry Godber. Godber died in February 1970 only 24 years old of a heart attack, shortly after the album's release. It would be his only album cover painting, and is now owned by Robert Fripp."

En esta producción primera, la alineación estuvo a cargo de Robert FRIPP(guitarra y único miembro constante en todo KC, Ian McDONALD (flautas, teclados, voz y asustado por la música emigrante a FOREIGNER), LAKE (bajo, voz principal y miembro fundador de ELP),Michael GILES (batería, percusiones, voz y más constante que su amigo Ian con quien hiciera un disco clásico) y Peter SINFIELD(letras, iluminación y uno de los más reconocidos productores y letristas de la escena). Producción KC,ingeniero de sonido Robin THOMPSON, Ilustración de portada '21st Century Schizoid Man' se convirtió en el estandarte del grupo y ha sido interpretado en casi todos sus conciertos, siendo una canción que representa en esencia lo que KING RIMSON es. Un grupo opositor de tradiciones y que experimenta desquiciante en lo que quiere construir.

1. 21st Century Schizoid Man
2. I Talk to the Wind
3. Epitaph
4. Moonchild
5. The Court of the Crimson King

PD: Aguante Rina que me hace el aguante en los comentarios (L) :P


domingo, 5 de octubre de 2008

The Meaning of Life

There are Jews in the world, there are Buddhists

There are Hindus and Mormons and then
There are those that follow Mohammed, but
I've never been one of them

I'm a Roman Catholic
And have been since before I was born
And the one thing they say about Catholics is
They'll take you as soon as you're warm

You don't have to be a six footer
You don't have to have a great brain
You don't have to have any clothes on
You're a Catholic the moment Dad came, because

Every sperm is sacred
Every sperm is great
If a sperm is wasted
God gets quite irate

sábado, 4 de octubre de 2008

NIN en el Pepsi Music

Excelente NIN,
Dieron un recital de 2 horas y pico ( y estamos hablando del Pepsi) , sonaron implecables los flacos.. y el show, altisimo show. Me encanto, yo no fui como una graan fan, pero volví mas que satisfecha.
Gracias a mi novio por haber conseguido las entradas :) .

Now I am somewhere I am not supposed to be, and I can see things I know I really shouldn't see
And now I know why, now, now, now I know why
Things aren't as pretty
On the inside

There is no you
There is only me
There is no you
There is only me
There is no fucking you
There is only me
There is no fucking you
There is only me



Letting You
March of The Pigs
The Frail
The Wretched
Head Down
Gave up
The Warning
Terrible Lie
The Big Come Down
Ghosts 31
The Hands That Feeds
Down in It
Head Like a Hole
God Given
In This Twilight